

The Life Story Image
What does human trafficking look like? Washington woman shares her story
Trafficking survivors propose bill to create first-of-its-kind services for other survivors.
Survivor talks about what human trafficking really looks like in Washington state

What to Look for

  1. Physical abuse (bruises at various stages of healing).
  2. No control over (money, ID, or passport, etc.)
  3. Ignorance of where or why they are in the area.
  4. Numerous inconsistencies in their story and/or it sounds scripted
  5. Minors engaging in sexual acts for anything of value
  6. Age-inappropriate relationships
  7. Individuals who are being closely monitored by someone
  8. Submissive/signs of anxiety/depression/extreme nervousness
  9. Possession of multiple cell phones
  10. Multiple runaway incidents

Who to contact for help for you or someone you know

  • Contact for help in Washington State. Located in Olympia, WA
  • To get help through the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888 or
  • Washington State Anti-Trafficking Response Network (WARN) Hotline – (206) 245-0782
    This is a coalition of non-governmental organizations that provide direct services to victims of human trafficking in Washington State. 
  • Go to to find help in your area.
  • If you are a victim in immediate danger call 911.