Becoming an Ally

Becoming an Ally

What is an Ally.?

A country, person, or group joined with another or others for a common purpose.

Ask Yourself These Questions.

  1. Would you like to join the fight in combating the harm caused by the sex industry?
  2. If you believe the equality model is the best option, are you willing to testify to that?
  3. Are you able to walk side by side with a survivor of the sex trade? While understanding they are the expert?
  4. Are you open to learning from Survivors of the sex trade?
  5. Are you willing to stand up for the vulnerable and exploited?

Look at some ways you can help fight Sex Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation”

  1. Learn about the signs of Sex Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation by taking a training class. If you want to learn more go to our Join Us page and sign up.
  2. If someone is in danger and may be a victim of Sex Trafficking and Exploitation, Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888.

    The hotline is a national 24-hour, toll-free, multilingual anti-trafficking hotline where you can report a tip; connect with anti-trafficking services in your area; or request training and technical assistance, general information, or specific anti-trafficking resources. The Hotline is equipped to handle calls from all regions of the United States from a wide range of callers including, but not limited to: people who are being trafficked, community members, law enforcement, medical professionals, legal professionals, service providers, researchers, students, and policymakers.

  3. Write to your local Representative by going to our Contact Your Representative page.
  4. Volunteer at your local organization to fight Human Trafficking in your area.
  5. Keep educated and up to date with what’s happening in your area. Go to our news page frequently for up to date information on local news.
  6. Use your social media platform to raise awareness.
  7. Go to your local organization to educate how human traffickers target the youth and how to help.