The Issue

The Issue

SEX TRAFFICKING means (1) the use of force, fraud, or coercion to compel an adult into a commercial sex act like prostitution or (2) engaging a minor in a commercial sex act.

COMMERCIAL SEXUAL EXPLOITATION (CSE) of an adult means another person or circumstance such as systematic discrimination, poverty, prior victimization or trauma, substance abuse, lack of housing, education, healthcare, documentation or any other basic need or vulnerability compels the adult to enter or remain in the sex trades. Exploiters take advantage of differences in age, race, gender, sexual orientation, or social and economic power to sexually exploit more vulnerable people. Commercial sex markets—prostitution, pornography, sugaring, sex tourism, etc—were built upon and perpetuate INEQUITY and VIOLENCE against our most marginalized populations.

100% of sex buyers and traffickers were male
WASE Forward CSE Victims are Disproportionately Native
WASE Forward: 58.7% of LGBT homeless youth exploited in prostitution.
WASE Forward: 98% of sex trafficking victims were female
WASE Forward CSE Victims are Disproportionately Black
WASE Forward 14% of respondents to the US Transgender Survey traded sex for food or a place to sleep.